The Taiwanese
Mobile Application Market Users Behavior report summarizes smartphone
users Analysis in the fourth quarter of 2015. The finding shows that Taiwanese
mobile phone users on average spend less than NT$150 (US$4.6; US$1=NT$32.5) in
a single purchase whether buying paid apps or content/services in free apps. Of
which, purchase value between NT$61 (US$1.9) and NT$150 account for the largest
share. As the percentage of users purchasing paid apps for over NT$900
(US$27.7) is higher than those making in-app purchases, the average single
purchase value of paid apps exceeds that of in-app purchases in free apps by
NT$55 (US$1.7).
Complete Report Available at .
The average amount of money spent on apps per purchase
by Taiwanese smartphone users is less than NT$150 (US$4.6). Those having made
single purchase in free apps tend to buy stickers (63%) and mobile games
(38.6%). These two categories will remain the most popular commodities for
in-app purchases in the next year. Sticker economy will continue to grow and
stickers will become a tool for smartphone users to express their
List of Topics:
Overview of Taiwanese smartphone users’ app usage
patterns, including the average number of apps a person uses per day, the
average time they spend on mobile apps per day, and a list of the most
frequently used apps.
Taiwanese smartphone users’ app usage habits, touching
on the most “sticky” mobile apps and what apps will they remove first when
their phones are short of internal storage.
Summary of Taiwanese mobile app users’ consumption
behavior, including the percentage of users who have ever paid for mobile apps
and the kinds of apps they have paid for; also included are their payment
Companies covered
Apple, Facebook, Instagram, LINE, Netflix, WeChat,
Table of
Contents in the Report Taiwanese Mobile Application Market User’s Behaviour
1. Survey Scope and Methods 4
2. Mobile App Usage Pattern 4
2.1 Less than 10 Mobile Apps Used per Week 4
2.2 Average of 90 Minutes Spent on Mobile Apps per Capita per Day 5
2.3 Top 10 Mobile Apps Used per Day Mainly Foreign Services 6
3. Usage Habits of Mobile Apps 7
3.1 Social Networking and Mobile Game as Most Sticky Apps 7
3.2 Mobile Game and Dating apps with High Priority for Removal 8
3.3 Both Frequency and Duration of Use Highest on Weekends 9
3.4 Social Networking, Game, and Multimedia Apps Catch More Eyeball 10
4. Mobile App Consumption 12
4.1 Nearly 70% Respondents Never Bought Mobile Apps 12
4.2 Single Purchase Accounts for Largest Share 12
4.3 Game, Learning & Publication, and Map Apps as Top Three Paid Apps
4.4 Stickers, Game, and Music as Top Three In-app Purchase Categories in
Free Apps 14
4.5 Average Single Purchase Value Below NT$150 15
4.6 56% Purchase Apps by Credit Card 16
4.7 Stickers, Game, and Music Content/Services Remain Top Purchase
Choices 17
5. Conclusion 18
5.1 Social Networking Apps Have High Levels of Stickiness 18
5.2 Single Purchase Valued Below NT$150 as Main Consumption Mode 19
5.3 Need for Continued Service Optimization and Integration with Other
Information 20